A deeper dive into Lafayette’s unsuccessful coup attempt and the role of the court in the general’s failure.
Latest episodes
With the Intelligent Speech Conference now behind us, it’s time for me to focus my attention on the next Bonus Episode for sponsors...
The invasion of the Tuileries on the 20th of June, 1792. “I know that the stern language of the truth is rarely welcome close to the throne...
In February 1791, King Louis’ aunts escaped from Paris. How did the popular press react? How did their journey differ from the...
“The Girondins too were frightened… The appearance of sans-culottes scared them into taking a path that was to lead to...
Hello everybody!With the script for Episode 31, “Rise of the Sans-Culottes”, almost done (I hope!), I’m starting to turn...
An exploration of the life of the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau and Lafayette’s schemes of 1792.
Happy New Year Everyone! Grey History is back for 2021 and we’re starting the new year with a (cannon) bang! Episode 30 has just been...
An interview with Historian Christopher Tozzi on the experience of foreign soldiers in the French Revolutionary Army. Focusing initially on...
When the French War Minister Narbonne is forced to resign in March 1792, a political crisis engulfs the nation. Seeking to sooth tensions...
Episode 1.27, “The Nancy Mutiny”, is now available exclusively to Patreon supporters and is the first full-length bonus episode...
As King Louis requested that the Legislative Assembly proclaimed war against the King of Hungary and Bohemia, he did so in an unusual...