Desperate to save the love of his life, Count Axel von Fersen enlists diplomats and friends to try to save the Queen! Her supporters meet...
Outraged by scenes in Paris, the events of October send many into morning. From foreign newspapers to private correspondence, this episode...
With the Terror commencing in September 1793, how do historians view its causes? Was this series of emergency decrees driven purely by...
What do historians make of the Enraged? Heroic champions of the sans-culottes? Or short-sited activists unable to achieve their means? This...
Compelled to make Terror the order of the day, the Convention decreed a series of emergency measures. From price controls to the arrest of...
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Members’ questions on the Hebertists! Why were so many to be found in the War Ministry? Where were other ultraradical strongholds? I...
What do historians make of 4 and 5 September? How should we interpret Hébertist involvement? These questions and more are explored in this...
The Risings of 4 & 5 September Make terror the order of the day! With news of Toulon’s treason hitting a hungry capital...
The Mountain Fractures! Clash of the Jacobin Giants! Eager to entrench his leadership of the ultra-radical movement, Hébert goes on the...
The Struggle Continues! Hunger returns to Paris! Plagued by shortages and inflation, the capital’s Jacobins battle to maintain...