Thousands try to flee Toulon as the Republic’s armies advance. In the resulting chaos, scenes of misery and panic define the last hours of...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! A tremendous victory and a terrible cost. Explore the controversies that surrounding the siege of Toulon and...
Desperate to receive additional support, the British searched in unexpected places. Unfortunately for London, French royalists were eager...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! Having seized the port of Toulon, how were they going to keep it? That was the question which vexed the First...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! As the Federalist Revolts collapsed around them, the citizens of Toulon faced an unenviable choice: the...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! Toulon turns to treason. Placing its hopes in the First Coalition, the French rebels found an alliance...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! Toulon turns to treason. Placing its hopes in the First Coalition, the French rebels found an alliance...
How was it that Marseille’s Jacobins could be accused of federalism? This episode extra explores this unexpected accusation, as well as...
Explore the fascinating characteristics of Marseille’s Terror! How did Marseille’s experience differ to that of other federalist...
“To arms, Frenchmen, to arms!”. As Marseille rallied the country to revolt, the great port city achieved stunning success. Angered by the...
Confronted by the purge of the Girondins, the city of Lyon commences insurrection. The rebellion does not go to plan. Despite attempts at a...
Insurrection arrives in the city of silk! Although consumed by the same factionalism which devoured the capital, Lyon charts a unique path...