This Episode Extra explores Caen’s experience of the French Revolution, and seeks to understand why the Norman port rejected the...
With connections to Louis XVI, the Flight to Varennes, Napoleon’s downfall and some serious workplace health and safety violations...
The speech of a madman, or an overblown affair? This Episode Extra unpacks the reactions and controversies surrounding Isnard’s...
This episode extra examines the actions of Jacques Hébert which anger the Commission of Twelve. It also explores claims that the plotting...
Danton was accused by many of secretly conspiring with General Dumouriez. What evidence supports these claims, and how do historians...
Once a hero of the revolution, the King’s cousin was arrested on the 4th of April. What did the Jacobin deputy do to warrant such...
Hear the mighty Danton argue for a dramatic reorganisation of the executive branch.
Unpack the past of Jacques Roux, the most iconic leader of the Enragés. Compare how Roux and those like him differed to previous sans...
Unpack why the topography of the Vendée was so beneficial to the defending insurrectionists. We also hear from a contemporary on the role...
Thanks but no thanks. This episode extra explores negotiations between Dutch exiles and the French government to ensure the mistakes of...
[wd_hustle id=”13″ type=”embedded”/] Grey History’s Mini-Series on the Corsican Revolution is absolutely wild...
Unscripted thoughts on Dumouriez’s predicament in Belgium and a deep dive into the Belgian politics complicating his decision making.