Desperate to receive additional support, the British searched in unexpected places. Unfortunately for London, French royalists were eager...
How was it that Marseille’s Jacobins could be accused of federalism? This episode extra explores this unexpected accusation, as well as...
Explore the fascinating characteristics of Marseille’s Terror! How did Marseille’s experience differ to that of other federalist...
With the bloodshed of Lyon’s Terror mired in controversy, there’s no shortage of grey to explore! This bonus episode available...
In 2024, Grey History will be introducing Community Zooms (catchy name incoming) to give members the opportunity to ask questions and share...
What were the demands of the Federalist Rebels? Were they even federalist in nature? In this Episode Extra for Community Members, we...
This Episode Extra explores Caen’s experience of the French Revolution, and seeks to understand why the Norman port rejected the...
With connections to Louis XVI, the Flight to Varennes, Napoleon’s downfall and some serious workplace health and safety violations...
The speech of a madman, or an overblown affair? This Episode Extra unpacks the reactions and controversies surrounding Isnard’s...
This episode extra examines the actions of Jacques Hébert which anger the Commission of Twelve. It also explores claims that the plotting...
Danton was accused by many of secretly conspiring with General Dumouriez. What evidence supports these claims, and how do historians...
Once a hero of the revolution, the King’s cousin was arrested on the 4th of April. What did the Jacobin deputy do to warrant such...