Reclaimed by the Republic, vengeance was swift. Mass shootings engulfed Toulon as the royalist rebels were put to the sword. This episode extra explores the phases of Toulon’s Terror and the controversies which surround them.
Desperate to receive additional support, the British searched in unexpected places. Unfortunately for London, French royalists were eager to respond. This episode extra explores the complications caused by Hood’s decision to embrace a policy...
Toulon’s Federalist Revolt! As the Federalist Revolts collapsed around them, the citizens of Toulon faced an unenviable choice: the Jacobins and the British. Their decision would shape the Republic, the Empire, and the entire history of Europe...
How was it that Marseille’s Jacobins could be accused of federalism? This episode extra explores this unexpected accusation, as well as links to future blueprints for totalitarian one-party states.
What were the demands of the Federalist Rebels? Were they even federalist in nature? In this Episode Extra for Community Members, we examine the manifesto of the Northern rebellion!
This Episode Extra explores Caen’s experience of the French Revolution, and seeks to understand why the Norman port rejected the Jacobinism of the capital despite some key similarities.