With the democrats on the run, the newly established Feuillant Club had an opportunity to revise the constitution and cement its power...
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Explore the anti-royalist and pro-republican sentiment produced by the revolutionary press after the King’s failed escape. Jacques...
Examine King Louis’ official deposition justifying his attempted escape from Paris (not France….. supposedly).
With the nation shocked by the King’s attempted escape, public debate erupted over the future of both the monarch and the monarchy...
Could Louis have talked himself out of his capture in Varennes? We also discuss a ground-breaking “world first” connected to...
Endangered by the rising power of both the far-left and the far-right, Louis finally decides to reject the revolution and flee the capital...
Summary The Flight to Varennes is the term used to describe the royal family’s failed attempt to escape the French Revolution. Disguised as...
You’ve heard of fake news. What about fake art? April the 12th is the anniversary of the Dom Gerle Affair. In the heat of the...
Examine two passionate defences of French nobility. Two members of the Third Estate, Jean-Sifrein Maury and Jacques Necker, argue against...
Explore Dom Gerle and Abbé Grégoire in David’s Tennis Court Oath and the latter’s invention of the word ‘vandalism’.
As religious divisions threaten the peace, the Assembly makes an enemy of France’s warrior class through the Abolition of Nobility in...
The Catholic Church becomes the revolution’s most tenacious and ferocious foe. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy forces the nation...