The Risings of 4 & 5 September Make terror the order of the day! With news of Toulon’s treason hitting a hungry capital, insurrection returns to Paris. Spurred on by the ultraradical factions, the people demand food and the means the seize...
The Mountain Fractures! Clash of the Jacobin Giants! Eager to entrench his leadership of the ultra-radical movement, Hébert goes on the attack. Denouncing Danton and Montagnard moderates, the Hébertists also clash with Robespierre. With power...
The Struggle Continues! Hunger returns to Paris! Plagued by shortages and inflation, the capital’s Jacobins battle to maintain control. Amidst the unrest, the Enraged strike back! This episode explores the continuing power struggles between...
The Race To Replace Marat The faction menace returns! The Enraged and the Jacobins battle for supremacy, while the Hébertists rise to challenge both! This episode explore The Manifesto of the Enraged, and the emergence of Jacques Hébert as a...
It’s time for the French History Games! I team up with The Age of Napoleon and The Siècle to host a very special sporting event. Get ready for some controversial gold medal winners, and you can nominate your own! Nominate Your Winners & Feature...
A new Jesus?! A political initiative or genuine religious beliefs? Explore the crazy developments of the Cult of Marat!
The Revolution’s Most Famous Assassination Murder in the bathtub! Explore the most famous assassination of the French Revolution! From the motives of Charlotte Corday to the legacy of Jean-Paul Marat, this episode leaves unpacks it all...
An instrument of pacification. Fearful of civil war and another insurrection, the deputies of the National Convention (finally) create a constitution. Despite the fact it was never properly implemented, the Constitution of 1793 continues to shape...
You’re Invited! Join us LIVE this Saturday for a visual exploration of the Siege of Toulon! From key events to leading figures, we’ll be exploring new elements of the famous siege, along with the wider War of the First Coalition! A...
From Video Livestreams to upcoming collaborations, there’s plenty to discuss!